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Cash Link Leasing Plc (formerly Cash Link Finance & Investment Plc), is the flagship of the Group. Established in 1987 as Financial Service Company and duly licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria as a Non-Bank Financial Institution. Cash Link has today grown into various service sectors, which makes us a one-stop shop. Cash Link is well known for its customer-centric business strategy, and being one of the earliest financial service companies to offer Consumer Equipment Leasing Services, grown its leasing portfolio considerably in excess of =N=10billion. It has today become a household name in providing support for small and medium sized businesses in all sectors of the Nigerian Economy.

Mission | “Cash Link Leasing Plc” is committed to the provision of accessible and qualitative financial services that supports our clients in achieving superior performance at all times.

Vision | To be the benchmark of convenience for our clients.

What We Do | Our core focus and strategy is to serve growth sectors by delivering value-driven financial services to corporate institutions and entrepreneurs alike. The services offered include Leasing Services, Vehicle Rental & Fleet Management Services, Foreign Exchange (Bureau de Change), and other Investment Advisory Services, Funds Management and Portfolio Management for Foreign based Nigerians, Outsourcing and Training.

Our Strategic Intent | Delivering convenience by thinking service at all times

Our Values |

intergrity Teamwork Innovation Consistency Flexibility

Our Team | We lay emphasis in recruiting the ‘right’ people, retain and invest in their future growth development. The challenges and rewards ensure that they operate at the highest level of performance always.

Business Ethics | We pride ourselves on integrity, professionalism, transparency and honesty. Our mantra is to keep all our dealings above the table whilst remaining flexible to customer needs.

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